At the heart of the cultural dimension of management. Under the direction of Pierre Dupriez and Blandine Vanderlinden. Preface by Philippe d'Iribarne, Afterword by Pierre Calame. L'Harmattan 2017 Coll. Diversité culturelle et dynamique des organisations, ISBN 978-2-343-10311-2
The M&G magazine n°17 is out!
The journal Management & Governance n° 17 is out. In this issue, among others: Benchmarking of local production systems in Eastern Europe and Ukraine Vitalina KURYLIAK, Ihor LISHCHYNSKYY, Mariia LYZUN, Nataliya KOMAR The current state of legislation concerning local self-government in the Russian Federation T.V. SUMSKAYA Intellectual property of enterprises in local production systems Vladia BORISOVA Ecological clusters in the context of smart specialization strategies and key clusters: the case of the ...
New publication
No to the prostitutional system A feminist and abolitionist analysis of the prostitutional system Geneviève Duché Essay - Éditions Persée Book excerpt: This book is dedicated to people in prostitution and to people who have left it. It was born from the words of a large number of them, words most often expressed during the process of exit or afterwards, a few years later, when the trauma fades and the reconstruction is done, words that are ...